The following Terms and Conditions apply to all bookings. Please read thoroughly as these conditions constitute part of your booking agreement and non-compliance may result in refusal of future bookings or additional charges being applied.
For Enquiries: Call : 01773 599993 or Email : reception@strutts.org.uk.
Booking Procedure
1 Applications for hire can only be accepted from registered customers, over 18 yrs old, and must be made in writing on a Booking Form, these forms are obtainable from reception.
2 Payment can be made by cash, card, contactless, cheque or BACS to “Strutts Centre Limited”.
3 All fees are non-refundable if you cancel within 1 week of the hire date.
4 The hirer is to include in their booking time any set up and pack up time that may be required and must vacate the room/s at the correct time. If not, additional room hire will be payable at the appropriate rate, pro rata, hourly or parts thereof (in half hour increments).
5 Access to the room is only guaranteed at your booking start time.
6 Any bookings made more than six months in advance will be charged at the rate applicable on the date of the function.
7 Strutts reserve the right to refuse any application for the hire of room(s) or any space without stating a reason.
8 Strutts must approve all events open to the public.
9 Strutts reserve the right to move you to another room. We will only do this to provide the best facilities to all and when we cannot avoid the change. We will inform you of any change as soon as it is practicable.
Single and Repeat Booking
10 For single events, or one off room hire, a 50% non-refundable deposit must be paid within 1 week of the booking application; confirmation of the booking is only given once the deposit is paid
11 For repeat bookings hirers may, subject to agreement, be invoiced monthly.
Room Usage
12 There must be a nominated person in charge for every booking who is present and responsible for compliance with the conditions of hire.
13 Any loss or damage to the property of Strutts or its volunteers will be charged to the hirer.
14 Any damage must be reported to reception.
15 All hirers’ property is on the premises at their own risk.
16 Hirer must sign in at Reception before commencing any activity and sign out once the room is clear.
17 Hirer must return all chairs, seating, tables and other furniture to their designated areas.
18 Any setting up/clearing down done by Strutts will incur a charge.
19 The room(s) must be left in a clean and tidy condition, and nothing is to be driven into or attached in any way to the wall, floor, ceiling, furniture or fittings.
20 Hirers and users must not damage the wood block flooring. (Appropriate footwear should be worn)
21 The hirer is responsible for the closure of all windows and turning off heaters in the room(s) before leaving.
22 The hirer is responsible for the removal of all their rubbish from the building and outside surrounding areas. Rubbish not removed from site will incur a charge.
24. On site storage is limited and will incur a cost. Storage is only available by prior agreement. Strutts cannot be held responsible for anything stored on site.
25. If the hirer is given a room key, they are responsible for its return to reception. A fine is incurred for any lost keys.
Posters and Adverts
26. Wallboards may be used, where available, for display purposes for the duration of the hire.
27. All advertising must be handed to reception for approval and display by Strutts.
28. All external banners are displayed at the discretion of Strutts and incur charges.
Health and Safety
29. The hirer shall fulfil all legal duties, including Health and Safety, for those attending their class/event.
30. Fire/Emergency exit doors must be kept closed and clear from obstruction at all times.
31. The hirer will read and understand the Fire and Evacuation procedures as posted on the doors of rooms for hire and will be responsible for listing the names present at their event.
32. No naked flames allowed on the premises under any circumstances..
33. The hirer is responsible for the provision of First Aid facilities during the hirer period and be able to provide first aid assistance to anyone injured during the term of the hire.
34. All accidents must be entered in the Strutts Centre Accident File, which is available on request from the person in charge on Reception.
35. Any electrical equipment brought into the building or site and connected to the electrical supply must be PAT tested and have approval for use, in writing, by a Strutts Director.
36. No electric kettles or coffee makers, are to be brought onto the site by the hirer.
37. Any additional lights or sound amplification equipment connected to or used on site, must have approval, in writing, by a Strutts Director.
38. Front Entrance to be used at all times unless disabled access is required. Please inform Reception if disabled access is required and we will provide as much assistance as is practicable.
39. Smoking is not permitted in any part of the building and grounds,
40. All conditions of the Premises Licence shall be duly observed. (A copy of the Licence is displayed on the notice board in the corridor outside Room 25.)
41. It is a legal offence to refuse to leave when requested to do so by the person-in-charge on Reception and not to do so may result in the Police being summoned.
42. The Hirer is responsible for the safe evacuation of disabled persons under their care to the Evacuation Sanctuaries on the stairs, if on the upper floors.
43. The lift should never be used in the event of a fire.
Safeguarding of children and young or vulnerable adults
44. The Centre requires that all bookings involving unaccompanied children and/or at risk adults comply with the following:
a)The Hirer has a DBS in place that is less then two years old and shall allow Strutts to inspect their original DBS document.
b)The Hirer accepts responsibility to ensure they and anyone working on their behalf with young children or the vulnerable has an appropriate DBS and takes appropriate safe-guarding actions.
c)The Hirer will notify Strutts immediately of any change of circumstance or issue that would compromise any DBS.
d)The Hirer will have a relevant Child Protection Policy and will allow Strutts to inspect it if requested.
45. Refreshments and hot drinks can be provided at a reasonable charge, by prior booking through Strutts. The revenue from this service helps cover the running costs of the Project.
46. Drink machines are situated in many of the rooms including the Lounge, Room 18
47. Refreshments (food and drink) can only be provided by the hirer for consumption on the premises with prior approval, in writing, by a Strutts Director.
48. The sale of alcohol by Strutts for consumption on the premises is permitted under the terms of the licence granted by the Licensing Authority (AVBC).
Parking and Vehicle Access
49. This is a shared space site, pedestrians have priority and vehicle speed is restricted to 4 mph. Please observe the speed limit at all times.
50. All vehicles are parked in Strutts Centre car parking areas at the owners’ risk.
51. Please park in designated spaces where available and be considerate of other users.
52. Please observe all signs and instructions at all times.
53. All on-site parking is at the discretion of the Strutts.
54. When the Centre is closed the Car Park will be locked.
55. The wifi provided is public and shared amongst all users. The performance/quality of the wifi is not guaranteed
This copy of our Terms and Conditions is provided for reference only, it is based on version 9.0 issued 21.06.2023 which may have been superseded.