Listed below are details of some of the groups who have commenced activity again since June 2021, following the period of enforced closure, due to the COVID 19 lockdown.
As more groups start to return, we will regularly update the details appearing on the website. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we continually make changes to keep the information as up to date as possible. More functions and information will be available as we progress with the next phase of development of the site.
Under normal circumstances, there are many more meetings, groups and activities taking place regularly throughout the week, many of whom are scheduled to return later in the year.
Therefore, we hope the information below provides an indication of the types of activities currently available, but does not represent the comprehensive list at this stage.
If you wish to make enquiries about any activity held at Strutts, please contact the group directly where possible. Alternatively our reception team can provide their contact details.
To add or update group information please contact us directly at or contact reception on 01773 599993.
Social Group